The Charity of Christ Compels Us... 2 Corinthians 5:14
Solemn Adult Choir
Rehearsal: Wednesdays from 7:30- 9 PM
Mass: Every Sunday at 11 (except July and August)
Starts Rehearsing on September 7th at 7:30 PM
First Mass: September 11th
Hymnody Choir
We now have a solid core of people who regularly sing the hymns and Mass parts at Mass. If you are one of those people- THIS CHOIR IS FOR YOU!!!! This choir will sing traditional hymns that everybody knows and loves. It won’t be singing the more complicated chants, Latin, and Classical music of the Solemn Adult Choir. This choir is perfect for those who like to sing but may not have prior experience in a choir. Men’s Group and Christ Life attendees are especially encouraged to join.
Rehearsal and Mass: Every Saturday at 4 PM,
and then Mass immediately after.
Please reply to this message ([email protected])
Information Needed from New Members
(or returning after an absence):
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Email Address:______________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number(s): _______________________________________________
Home Phone Number (if applicable):_____________________________________