Prayerfully consider if you might be able to help us coordinate the Blood Drive at Seton twice a year. Please call or email the rectory with any questions or interest. Thank you!
2024 End-of-Year Tax Statements will be mailed out by the end of January. Anyone who has previously requested a tax statement will be mailed one regardless of their donation.
We wish to congratulate the members of our parish family who were installed as altar servers by Msgr. Giandurco at the 12:30 Mass on Sunday, December 22nd.
The drawing at the end of December will be the last. A new fundraiser will be coming soon. The Booster Club was a good idea, but unfortunately barely raised funds for the parish.
LESS THAN 10 SPACES LEFT he annual Men's Retreat will be held this year on the weekend of March 21-23 (dinner on Friday till noon on Sunday)Tat the Mount Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappingers Falls.
The Annual March for Life will be January 24, 2025 in Washington, DC. The March is a peaceful, prayerful, non confrontational witness to the sanctity of life, especially the most voiceless innocent unborn children. Click for more info.
The weekend of Dec. 7/8, our Faith Formation Confirmands will be collecting for their Adopt a Family Service Ministry after all the Masses. Each year they provide personal Christmas gifts and grocery cards for Seton families in need.
Vendors are needed for our annual Christmas/Crafts Fair - 2 DAY EVENT to be held on: Friday 12/6 6-8pm (Shop & Sip) AND Saturday 12/7 9:30am-4pm. For information and registration forms, email: [email protected].
Anyone who is considering entering the Catholic Church, or is interested in completing his/her Christian Initiation by receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation is invited to contact Fr. Silva or the office for information.
On Sunday, October 13th at the 12:30PM Mass, we will honor parish couples celebrating their Silver and Golden Wedding Jubilees in 2024. Couples are asked to call the rectory, 914-528-3547 ext 1, to submit their names as soon as possible.
The Church needs you. Not just our parish but the universal church. We need dedicated people who are passionate about passing on the faith and fostering the love of Christ in the hearts of our children.