The Charity of Christ Compels Us... 2 Corinthians 5:14
Contact: Eileen Kulp (914-391-5418), Valerie Fazio (914-962-0032)
"The Constitution of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Council "SETON PARISH COUNCIL
Purpose of the Council:
To be a consulting and advisory body to the Pastor for the good of the Parish.
To help the Pastor discern, prioritize and implement solutions to the needs of our parish community.
To help the various organizations, committees and/or commissions formulate and meet their yearly mission goals.
To plan and help bring to fruition long-term goals for the parish as it seeks to involve and serve all parishioners and the whole of our community.
To bring our parishioners closer together and grow our parish by encouraging community building activities and fuller participation in the temporal and spiritual missions of the parish.
12 members of the Parish selected by draw after public prayer in the Church.
Up to 5 members appointed by the Pastor to reflect the make-up of the Parish and to include any needed expertise or experience.
In addition to the above members will be the Clergy, Finance Council Chairperson, and certain employees of the parish, such as the Parish Facilities Manager, Religious Education Coordinator, and the School Principal et al. These will be ex officio members who can participate in dialogue but will not have a vote.
Active members, in good standing in the Parish community
Age 17 and above (or will be High School senior in the Fall)
Requirements of members:
Members are expected to attend all meetings. 3 unexcused absences in one year will cause a member to be automatically removed from the Pastoral Council
Term: 3 years.
Meeting Schedule:
6 times per year - currently the last Monday of the month at 7:30pm in the Holland Room. (Check the bulletin for upcoming meetings.)
Dates for 2025 Parish Council Meetings: tbd
Members (not including ex-officio members):
Three year term (selected in 2021):
Three year term (selected in 2022):