The Charity of Christ Compels Us... 2 Corinthians 5:14
Dear Parishioners,
Summer is flying by! This is the last weekend of August and there is perhaps still a little opportunity to take some down time. I haven’t been too successful at that, but there is always hope.
The other day, I realized that something happened in both parishes here in Yorktown with nary a word in the bulletin or the pulpit. I am referring to the fact that the Bible Camp for children was canceled at St Patrick’s and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton this summer. My preference and the desire of all of those involved in both parishes was that both Camps would have taken place. However, due to low enrollment, the Camps were canceled. It was not a pleasant decision, but it is extremely difficult to run those camps with very few children. Everyone involved was disappointed.
I am not sure that anyone really knows exactly why this happened. For example, last year at Seton many children took part and it was wonderful. At St. Patrick’s, the Camp was canceled at the last minute last year because the director had an emergency medical situation (That would have been the first Camp since the beginning of the Pandemic.) I believe other Bible Camps took place in Yorktown this summer but ours fizzled out.
I am asking for any feedback about what the reason for the low interest this summer might have been. Or perhaps it was something other than low interest. If you would be willing to share your thoughts on this, please send a note to me by postal service or email at either Rectory. If there is a way for us to make Bible Camp happen in both parishes next summer, we will do our best. We all get discouraged when things are canceled, but we can try to reverse the trend. We always rely on God’s help.
Sincerely in Christ,